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Sunshine Award

I've been nominated! Carry on, or Bust nominated me for the Sunshine Award! It is a travel blog about world travel, light packing, photography, and food.

The Questions

1. Why do you travel? To learn, to experience, just to get away or…?

I like to travel to experience and learn. Traveling allows you to see and get a glimpse of another culture, not just read about it in a book or see what is portrayed in Hollywood. One of my favorite things is traveling to historic sites such as Rome. I'm always amazed by the architectural feats that man has overcome (i.e. The Coliseum, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, St. Peter's Basilica, Venice). Let's not forget about food! Getting authentic food from the origin country with the proper ingredients is different from the adaptations of the dish.

2. What’s the most memorable moment during your travels?

I was traveling to Thailand with my family and was almost late to the flight. I made it to the gate once boarding started but my uncle was still at the passport check and TSA and didn't have his green card. My aunt who was without me had his document. I had to run from the gate back to my uncle. I was running like a mad woman through the airport! People were probably wondering what was wrong. "Maybe she's on TV show like the Amazing Race." Luckily I was able to give me uncle is green card and we all ran back to the gate, which was at the end of the terminal, at the last call to board the plane. We boarded the plane and everyone was

3. Go to book/film/tv series that makes you want to jump on the next plane?

Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a great movie about adventure! Honestly whenever I watch a movie or tv show and they are traveling somewhere cool, I want to be there too.

4. Best tip for first time traveler?

Travel isn't just about going somewhere far. Take adventure of traveling locally too. You might be surprise what your backyard has to offer. But for destination travelers, my advice would be to be flexible! You can find good deals all the time. Sign-up to get emails for cheap flights.

5. Does having a blog change the way you travel?

It get to remember more about my trip. From planning to taking pictures, I am more organized so that I can share how I did my trip. I always feel like I don't have enough pictures even though I'm always snapping away.

6. What was the moment you decided you were meant to travel?

I started traveling at a young age, thankfully because of my parents. I grew up taking yearly trips with my family to Las Vegas, San Francisco or cruises to Mexico and the Bahamas. My first time on an airplane was months old to the Philippines. Traveling has always been a part of my life and I wanted to continue it as an adult.

7. Do you have a pre-travel ritual? If so what?

I always take a trip to target to get any toiletries I don't have. I always have to go in search of my earphones because I never know where they are. My mom is usually my checklists she always asks me if I have "this" or "that" before I leave. She is way more organized than me.

8. Travelling with a romantic partner – yay or nay? YAY! Who else is going to take my pictures while I'm on vacation. LOL. I think it's always great to share experiences with someone you care about it, be it a romantic partner or a friend. You have someone to reminisce with when you are having vacation withdrawals.

9. Where are you going next?

My family and I are going on a cruise to Mexico in November. But who knows. I always looking to go somewhere :P

My Nomination

My Questions

1. Describe your blog in 3 words using nouns (a person, a place and a thing)

2, Who is your favorite blogger? 3. If you had another blog, what would you write about?

4, Do you collect anything during your travels? 5. Where did you go on your first trip and how old were you?

6. What's your favorite destination and why?

7. What's your travel style? 8. If you can describe your blog in 3 words what would they be? 9. Currently, what's your most popular article and why do you think it's popular? 10. 3 random facts about yourself

Once nominated, if you choose to accept, write a post where you:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog

  • Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you

  • Nominate other blogs and give them questions to answer

  • Notify your nominees through social media or commenting on their blog

  • List the “rules” and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post

Updated: April 27, 2017

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Justine Alonzo

Justine is the founder of The Iridescent Wings, a blog all about chasing an adventure near and far.  She is a Southern Californian and gives local tips on LA, OC and SD, from her favorites to what's trending.  You can also catch her on a flight to other parts of the United States, Europe, Asia and beyond. 


Recommendations are always welcome! Thanks for reading!

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